Create passwords that are not your cat’s name.

Creating a password, it’s so important to make sure that it isn’t easy for agents to hack your accounts, be it email, websites, banking in fact anywhere, anything that requires a password.

Don’t make it easy for them to get access to your accounts, so what or how should I create a password?

For home users consider writing it down in an address book. It’s okay too, especially if you have a tough time remembering your passwords, it’ll also help you remember them as you write them down. Nothing worse than thinking up a password then completely forgetting what it was a moment later. If you don’t want to keep it on paper, then once you are confident that you have remembered it then you can then shred it. However not something I would recommend in an office environment with lots of other people around it would be a security risk and may find it against company policy.

When creating a password use a minimum of 12 characters and includes, Numbers, Symbols, Capital Letters, and Lower-Case Letters. Don’t use dictionary words, names, or your address. As an idea think of several words randomly (not an obvious phrase like “Cat in the Hat”,

Another option would be to use a Password Manager these apps will generate a password for you and remember the password with the website it belongs to. Several Password managers exist the most popular are RoboForm, Dashlane and LastPass. However, some of these password managers do need a little while to get accustomed to,

Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome web browsers have password managers available but do not yet have a password generator. These are okay to use but as these passwords are stored on the computer and you were unfortunate to have a hardware fault such as a failed hard drive then you would have lost all your passwords. Both Microsoft and Google can save these passwords in the cloud if you login the browsers into a Microsoft account for Microsoft Edge or Google account for Google Chrome.

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